Stress Management & Resilience
In modern times everybody have the ability to handle 20 to 30 stress situations in a day. Every one today has a super stress...

Sitting is Dangerous than Smoking.
Every 15 minutes we change our sitting position in a office chair. Either we have strain in the back or in the neck. The eyes strain,...

Lonely Pine
I found this poem in my personal diary that i wrote 17 years before, when i was learning Mountaineering course in Sikkim...

Einsame Pinie
Seit vielen Tagen stehend zwischen Schnee und tragend ein Kleid genaeht aus Nebel mit Moos. Jede Nacht schreien meine Blaetter . Am...

HSP & Meditation
Last week a Lady from Luxembourg came to me to learn meditation. The Lady said she had HSP and she thinks meditation can help...

Today is a Good Day
This day is a Gift, i can open my eyes. This Vision is a gift, i can see the clouds in the Sky. This sight is special as ...

Meditation for Neurological Diseases
Meditation is a great tool for Self-management and Health. It brings unity with our own body, mind, organs and brain. Neurologists and...

New english book on Parkinson´s treatment
This Book is an outcome of direct experience of a therapist Raja Ray, after working with 500 Parkinson patients for years. For many...

Breathing for a Healthy Brain
Without eating food - how many days a human being can survive? Whithout water - how many days can we survive? And without Oxygen - how...

Buchveröffentlichung: "Ein besseres Leben mit Parkinson durch Ayurveda und Yoga".
Das Buch "Ein besseres Leben mit Parkinson durch Ayurveda und Yoga" ist das Ergebnis der direkten Erfahrung des Therapeuten Raja Ray,...